“Mirrorless Monday” at CSUN for Eating Disorders Awareness Week!

This past Monday, California State University at Northridge (CSUN) held a “Mirrorless Monday” for Eating Disorder Awareness Week. The Northridge Joint Advocates on Disordered Eating (JADE) organized the event, to kick off a week of programming for Eating Disorder Awareness at CSUN. 

To help their fellow CSUN students go mirrorless for the day, JADE members covered up mirrors all over the campus with positive affirmations written on butcher paper. Going mirrorless has been gaining traction in the media as a way to promote positive body image, and it’s exciting to see this trend taking place in a university setting! The idea is that by covering up mirrors temporarily, people will be reminded that they are more than their appearance and will be encouraged to look in mirrors a bit more mindfully in the future. Importantly, JADE covered up mirrors in both men’s and women’s rooms and were careful to create programming that is inclusive of all genders. Although eating disorder awareness efforts are frequently targeted at women, JADE has been careful to advocate and educate about men who have eating disorders as well. 

This sounds like a great way to spread eating disorder awareness and promote positive body image, and we’d love to see UCLA do something like this in the future!

Check out coverage on “Mirrorless Monday” from CSUN Today!