Congratulations to Peter, for accepting an offer to UCLA’s Health Psychology Program!

For the past few months, DiSH Lab RA Peter Nooteboom has been applying to various Ph.D. programs in health and clinical psychology. We could not be more pleased to report that he has accepted an offer to UCLA’s Health Psychology program to work with Dr. Ted Robles!

Here’s what Peter had to say:

“Through my journey as an undergraduate at UCLA, I was exposed to a wide range of fields in psychology. I had the opportunity to explore research in behavioral neuroscience, clinical psychology, social psychology, and health psychology. UCLA has been the perfect place to explore my research ideas and refine my interests. My time working in the DiSH Lab has ultimately been the most formative in establishing Health Psychology as my primary interest moving forward. Having seen first hand what the program has to offer, I am excited to begin pursuing a Ph.D. in Health Psychology at UCLA.”

Peter has been an excellent RA and study coordinator for the DiSH Lab for the past two years, and we’re glad we’ll still get to see him around Franz Hall!
