Daniel wins the 2020 Health Psychology prize!

In a highly powered (N = 579) study, Daniel identified barriers that uniquely predict openness to going vegetarian, and focused on anticipated vegetarian stigma. Daniel designed this study with a strong theoretical foundation based on his published theory, the Unified Model of Vegetarian Identity (Rosenfeld & Burrows, 2017). In his empirical study, he found that younger age, more politically conservative attitudes, White identity, and residing in a rural community predicted greater anticipated vegetarian stigma among meat-eaters. In addition, the strongest predictors of openness to vegetarian diet were perceived tastiness and perceived healthfulness which accounted for half of the variance in people’s openness to giving up meat. Of further interest, he found that perceived tastiness of vegetarian dieting and perceived healthfulness mediated the effects on openness to vegetarianism. These findings provide concrete starting points for future intervention work aiming to increase fruit and vegetable intake for health and environmental purposes.
Congratulations to Daniel on his prize-winning paper!