Dr. T in the New Health Article
Dr. T discussed weight stigma and what New York’s new Weight Discrimination Bill means for weight stigma in the newly published Health article! Check out the link to learn more!
Dr. T discussed weight stigma and what New York’s new Weight Discrimination Bill means for weight stigma in the newly published Health article! Check out the link to learn more!
DiSH Lab Grad Students Jordan Parker and Jordan Levinson’s longitudinal study on disordered-eating symptoms in Black and white women is covered in Association for Psychological Science (APS). Click this link to learn more!
DiSH Lab Grad Student Jordan Parker’s study on the relationship between skin color satisfaction, body dissatisfaction, and binge eating in Black girls is covered in PsychPost. Click this link to learn more!
A BIG congratulations to both of our full-time study coordinators, Alejandra and David, for receiving the National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Fellowship! We are SOOOO proud of you both!
Dr. T is featured in a National Geographic article that discusses the negative consequences of weight-shaming. Click here to learn more.
Dr. T’s former student Isha Das invited Dr. T to be a guest speaker for their podcast. In the episode “Training the Brain to Crave Healthier Food”, Dr. T discussed the effect of food on stress and her Pavlovian Intervention to Condition Comforting Effects of Fruits study. To check out the podcast and learn more, please click here.
Daniel participated in US Open Table Tennis Championships from December 16 – December 21, 2022, and won a gold medal in the Paralympic division doubles event. Congratulations, Daniel!!
Dr. T’s study is quoted in this landmark statement from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation saying that health is more than weight. For more details, check out this link!
Congratulations to DiSH study coordinator and former lab manager Alejandra Lopez for receiving the Lifestyle Interventions for Traumatic Stress Special Interest Group student research award for her abstract at ISTSS (International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies)! Check out the great news and Alejandra’s poster here!
Check out the article here to learn more about stress eating and ways to train your brain to crave healthy foods!
Check out Daniel’s post using this link
If you are interested in our previous posts, please visit our blog archive to access them!
A461 Pritzker Hall, 502 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90095
DiSH Lab email: dishlab@psych.ucla.edu
Dr. T’s email: tomiyama@psych.ucla.edu