Entries by Dr. T

Science helps us eat ever more delicious foods

Purdue scientists have developed a new app that translates any foreign menu into English. The science behind it is called “lightweight algorithms” but the important part is that we can now eat ever weirder foods on our overseas adventures and brag about it to our hometown buddies.

Socially engaging environments turn white fat to brown

In a neat study in mice, researchers found that mice that live in enriched environments with 15-20 other rats and lots of toys change their fat tissue from normal white fat to the calorie-burning brown fat. The researchers aren’t sure why – they say that maybe it’s a little bit of added stress from living […]

September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

President Obama has declared September 2011 as National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. He hopes to eradicate childhood obesity within one generation. If this interests you, you might want to check out Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move initiative, focused on physical activity to promote health.

The “Maggie Goes on a Diet” book controversy

A new book called “Maggie Goes on a Diet” is about to be released, and even before it’s out the book is stirring up a lot of controversy. In it, 14-year-old Maggie starts out overweight and unhappy. Then she diets, loses weight and becomes popular. You can find coverage of the controversy and very sound […]

Our paper on exercise, stress, rumination, and cortisol published

A paper first-authored by DiSH Lab collaborator Eli Puterman was just published in Psychosomatic Medicine – the prestigious journal with the terrible name. We already know that many people, when they’re stressed, tend to ruminate on their negative feelings. This rumination can even affect the body by making it secrete cortisol, a stress hormone.  In this […]

Prof. Tomiyama is accepting students for Fall 2012

If you are interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in social or health psychology, the first step is to contact Dr. T at janet.tomiyama@rutgers.edu to discuss your research interests. Step 2 is to go to the Opportunities page to submit an online application to the Graduate Program.