Entries by Guest Blogger

Rishi Guest Blogs: The Threat of Ceaseless Pandemics

This Guest Blog Post is from Rishi Menon, one of Dr. T’s Health Psychology students: With today’s scientific and medical advancement, populations across the globe are steadily becoming less wary of airborne disease. After all, chances are you’ve already gotten the vaccine to fight it. While most are aware that different strains have varying levels […]

Amy Guest Blogs: The best type of medicine…

This Guest Blog Post is from Amy Trang, one of Dr. T’s Health Psychology students: Many of us have heard that laughter is the best medicine. Fortunately, this is no joke! This research from the Mayo Clinic reveals that laughing can help relieve stress leading to both short-term and long-term benefits. Not only does it alleviate mental […]

Jacqueline Guest Blogs: Just a spoon full of sugar?

This Guest Blog Post is from Jacqueline Ip, one of Dr. T’s Health Psychology students: Do you believe sugar can heal your wounds? Professor Murandu from University of Wolverhampton recently tested sugar therapy with three types of sugar to see the effect on bacterial growth. Participants in his study had different wound types, such as […]

Jessica Guest Blogs: Pain in the Brain

This Guest Blog Post is from Jessica Xi, one of Dr. T’s Health Psychology students: We know that placebos can help reduce pain, but it’s still not entirely understood how this works. This recent article, describes an attempt to use fMRI scans to explain how the placebo effect functions. Researchers noticed that some areas of […]

Sharon Guest Blogs: Supplements to reduce autism risk?

This Guest Blog Post is from Sharon Lai, one of Dr. T’s Health Psychology students: Some believe that taking vitamins and other supplements could prevent autism. While this new research cannot not prove this theory, it does suggest that taking supplements could reduce the risk of your child getting autism. Study results suggest that taking supplements […]

Danni Guest Blogs: Flu Mask Fashion

Danni Ji, one of Dr. T’s Health Psychology students, guest blogs again!: It may not be the most stylish fashion statement, but past research has found that using surgical masks by flu patients reduced the impact of large droplet spray (coughing, sneezing). And now a recent study by Dr. Milton and his research team found that […]

Danni Guest Blogs: In the mood for success…

This Guest Blog Post is from Danni Ji, one of Dr. T’s Health Psychology students:   This recent study found that good moods help older adults to improve their decision making and working memory. Subjects were either given candy and thank you card or no reward before testing, to boost their moods. They then attempted to learn […]