Valeriya Guest Blogs: Stressing the significance of stress

This Guest Blog Post is from Valeriya Komova, one of Dr. T’s Health Psychology students:


Many of us don’t realize how stress impacts everyday life; however, the American Medical Association classified stress as being the cause of more than 60% of all human illness and disease. All stress, big and small, affects our bodies. It can disable your thinking, and when you become accustomed to stress, its effects can go unnoticed until it is too late. The good news is that we can control how we respond to it, and we can begin by recognizing stress and dealing with it the very moment that it comes up. Read here about effective strategies that we can employ daily can help save our health and prevent us from visiting the doctor in the future.

Exercise now to avoid future stress!

Lots of people use exercise as a great way to unwind and de-stress. But a new study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise found that moderate exercise can lessen the impact of stressors and lead to reduced anxiety for an extended period of time POST-workout. After working out, study participants not only showed initial reduction in anxiety, but also were more resilient to stressors later on.