Entries by Angela

Anti-Fat Bias Prevalent in the Medical Community

A recent study found that doctors too, like the general public, have both implicit and explicit weight bias. This result applied even to overweight doctors, and was present in both female and male doctors. Future research will have to examine how these biases affect the doctor-patient relationship to ensure equal quality-of-care for all patients.

Hot off the press!

Dr. T’s recent paper “Chronic psychological stress and racial disparities in Body Mass Index change between black and white girls aged 10-19.” has been getting a lot of press lately! Check out these articles in the Chicago Tribune and at BET.com.

Eating for health?

It shouldn’t be a crazy idea, but nowadays many people are eating just to be thin, and not to be healthy. A fantastic New York Times article focuses on current research on eating, dieting, and health and emphasizes the importance of what you eat as well as how much you eat. The article also suggests […]

Weight Stigma Awareness Week

Today marks the beginning of BEDA National Weight Stigma Awareness Week. The goal is to bring awareness to this dangerous and pervasive form of social injustice. To learn more about Weight Stigma and to get involved in the movement to end it, visit the WSAW website.

Abuzz over Dr. T’s study!

Check it out here! Buzzfeed.com posted a review of Dr. T’s recent paper “Chronic psychological stress and racial disparities in Body Mass Index change between black and white girls aged 10-19.” The piece gives a great summary of this important research and the inside scoop on Dr. T’s thoughts about the findings and next steps.

We’re Home and Welcome Laura!

As many of you already know, the DiSH Lab’s been on the move, relocating from Rutgers to UCLA this summer. Now, after weeks of renovations and remodeling, the DiSH Lab’s beautiful new space is complete and awaiting the exciting research and experiments it will be home to. We’ll be posting pictures soon once we spruce […]

Exercise now to avoid future stress!

Lots of people use exercise as a great way to unwind and de-stress. But a new study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise found that moderate exercise can lessen the impact of stressors and lead to reduced anxiety for an extended period of time POST-workout. After working out, study participants not only showed initial […]

Things doctors say to their patients

National Public Radio recently hosted a conversation about obesity, weight, and health with several medical professionals, where listeners were invited to share personal experiences of discussing obesity with doctors.  Click here to listen to (or read) the newscast full of interesting – and sometimes shocking – things that doctors say.

Does ambiance influence eating?

Evidently, yes! This study published in the journal Psychological Reports found that just by seating them in a “fine dining” atmosphere with soft music, linen tablecloths, and candles, customers at a popular fast food restaurant consumed fewer calories and ate more slowly. So if you’re worried about or prone to overeating, setting the right mood could […]